Paintball is the best. That's why this page has paintball information and is all about paintball. Paintball IS the best. Best Paintball Page
In depth paintball resources specifically designed for beginning paintballers to learn paintball with paintball information, guns, markers. Best Paintball Page Paintball Information In depth paintball resources specifically designed for beginning paintballers to learn paintball with paintball information, guns, markers. Best Paintball Page

Paintball is a sport and also a hobby. Paintball is somewhat like war except in war when you get shot or hit by a grenade or bullet it hurts just a little more. The strategy is really important. Many paintball games are modeled after real wars or battles. I will list the usual procedures that are taken when playing paintball. First first thing you usually do is  check in with the people at the check in area. This isn't always near the playing field sometimes the paintball field can be miles away and you have might need to get a free shuttle bus. When you check in you have to tell them your name present your photo ID and request the equipment that you need. You always need a paintball gun, paintballs, a full face mask, a CO2 tank for the paintball gun. Optional items are paintball grenades which are only allowed in some games and might be a part of the mission in others, they will be supplied if they are part of the mission. You'll probably need camo if it's your first time playing paintball unless your really brave, a squeegee to clean the marker barrel if a paintball breaks in it, usually a ref will have one, protection if your a guy and all those other things like food, drink and a clean pair of clothing for the ride home. When you get to the playing field you will be escorted to your end of the field. When the whistle is blown by the referee you and your team proceed down the playing field until you reach the enemy. When you confront them if you have a good shot you shoot the shi... stuff out of them until enough of them are dead to get their flag. If you get shot in the process you first ask for a paint check by the ref and if you're out you have to go to the sidelines and wait until you can go back on the field. Do not leave until you get a paint check. I have left when the paintball didn't even break and figured it out later. When that happens you will be escorted to an area where your teammates are, hopefully.  One time a stupid ref brought like 25 opponents right to where me and my friend were, it was only me and my friend and they let loose on us and it was only like our 2nd time playing! It was a huge fire fight with two vs. 15 people.  Okay when your allowed back a ref will take you to a good spot on the field.  Continue to shoot people and have fun until you need to repeat the above procedure, chuckle! When you and your teammates get their flag you have to bring it back to your base which might only be a pole in the ground. If your flag is not available seek help and try to reunite their flag with yours at YOUR own base. If you win the game you will probably get the flag you captured and sometimes better things like some type of supplies, free food, or even a free game.  You can usually play a whole day for $20 for the field pass and a package which gives you a paintball gun, barrel plug, full face mask, CO2, and some free paintballs.  You'll have to buy extra paintballs which should only be about $7 for a hundred paintballs and even cheaper if you buy a lot of them at one time. If you have any more questions you can email me and ask me I'll be glad to help you out.

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